NTLDR is missing – Now I have a flashing cursor!

January 21st, 2020

Hey Guys and Girls, I have an Acer Aspire, the HDD died and so I replaced it with a freshly formatted 250GB equivalent.
I made a bootable copy of Windows 7 on USB – when I put it in this machine i’m using now, it works…
But when I put it in the Acer and change the boot order to boot from USB, I get the “NTLDR is missing, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart…” message.
Is there a fix for this?
Thanks in advance,

Answer #1
try changing back the boot option to normal…..see what happen
Answer #2
1.Insert the Microsoft Windows 7 installation DVD disc in the DVD drive, and then start the PC.
2.Press a key when you are prompted and Select language, time, keyboard or an input method, and then click Next.
3.Select Repair your computer
4.Select the operating system that you want to repair, and then click Next.
5. In the System Recovery Options dialog box, click Command Prompt.
6.To Fix NTLDR is missing error in Command prompt type this command and hit ENTER:
bootrec /FixBoot
Answer #3
Make a NTLDR boot disk to get back into Windows.
Download fixntldr.exe http://www.tinyempire.com/notes/files/fixntldr.exe
Read below for simple instructions.
Have used this to fix my own computer a few times over the years wuth exactly the same problem. ATB
Answer #4
how did you make that bootable copy of Win7 ..
if you know what you’re doing..try changing the bootsector of you USB between winxp and win7 .
WIN7 is usually better.
USE UltraIso
Answer #5
Sky – Didn’t work.
Crown – there is no DVD drive!
– i’ll try that now
Cool – I used Microsofts ISO to USB software
Thanks everyone…i’ll report back!
Answer #6
NTLDR is missing message usually appears when NTLDR is missing from a volume used to boot Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, or Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family operating systems. For those operating systems the order of volumes to check for NTLDR is first the floppy drive, then the Windows system partition.
Newer systems (throught the last 6 years), BIOS may not explictly represent to a loader the floppy drive; instead it could represent a “Removable Drive”, which may also include devices like flash drives.
I think Windows 7 does not use NTLDR.
Bottom Line(s):
The flash drive is likely not being used to boot the operating system installed on the flash drive.
Change boot order in BIOS such that the flash device precedes the device(s) that load an existing instance of a Windows NT4/2000/XP/Server 2003 operating system.
Windows 7 should then begin to boot (it still may fail if Windows 7 on flash drive was not prepared such that it can function on the “Acer” computer).
Answer #7
on the boot screen is there a “boot menu” “F” key ?
where you can select any boot device from a menu
my gateway is F12
I used Microsofts ISO to USB software
I think Windows 7 does not use NTLDR.
but the M$ ISO to USB may use it
Answer #8
– thanks for you help – in the OP it says I selected boot from USB… it still doesn’t work mate?
So I have a USB with Win7 on it, if I put it into THIS laptop and run it, it goes straight to the install Win7 screen.
In the Acer, I get the NTLDR message.
Just to be clear for the other posters – I have no drive in the Acer, hence the reason for this USB situation.
Answer #9
You can get the NTLDR is missing error when all of your windows files are no longer there (e.g deleted)
This is usually after it complaining there being no boot.ini
Best thing to do is a reinstall if it’s what is wrong.
Answer #10
Please read the 1st post – i’m trying to install a fresh copy to a new HDD…
Answer #11
My bad, skipped the OP post and read after that. Sorry.
Mods: Feel free to delete unhelpful posts.
Answer #12
Did you actually INSTALL Win7 using the USB drive? Not just run it?
Answer #13
If you’re RUNNING it off the USB drive, It’ll be slow.. If run at all.
USB 2.0 is a slow interface that you really shouldn’t be running an OS off.
It won’t be able to transfer all the necessary things to RAM fast enough to be able to do anything.
The Bootable USB version of an OS use a different system of processing and running to do everything, so I doubt you get anything successful happening.
Good luck all the same.
Answer #14
there a bios update for the acer, maybe there’s a boot from USB glitch
or remove the internal hard drive and boot
it find the USB drive that way ?
no boot menu to select the USB drive directly ?
try deleting the partition on the new drive to see if the BIOS will bypass the drive and look for the USB drive
Answer #15
Connect the usb pen to the laptop..Switch on…At the logo screen…Press F12 to go to the boot menu…Select the usb pen from the list…If the boot menu option is not available…Go to the bios by pressing F2 and enable it…
Answer #16
Squirrel – I am trying to install it with the USB.
, i’m trying to install it from the USB, not run it as I have no DVD drive on the Acer.
– the boot menu contains an option to boot from USB but it still shows the message?
The WIN7 setup runs fine on this laptop from USB, I just can’t seem to get the Acer to “see” the USB…
– I’ve tried that mate…
I’ll have another try at all of the suggestions guys, thanks.
Oh and Merry Christmas to you all!
Answer #17
you seem to be doing every right so maybe it’s the PC
there a bios update for the acer, maybe there’s a boot from USB glitch you check that
on the boot screen, when it detects drives, is the USB drive listed if you boot without the USB drive connected what msg do you get ?
Answer #18
Ok guys – it was a simple mistake!
On the boot menu I was stupidly selecting the USB FDD and not the USB HDD option…
Win7 is now smoothly installing from my 4GB stick – phew
Thanks to everyone for all the input – hope you have a great Christmas!
Answer #19
hope you have a great Christmas!
good work & you do the same
Answer #20
Arrrgh! It fully installed and then rebooted to a flashing cursor!!!
Tried again, went into the recovery console, tried to fix start up problems – it shows Win7 is installed but says there is no problem.
Answer #21
Do you have some other USB devices plugged it? Try disconnecting all USB devices. My desktop stops on a flashing cursor if I have something extra plugged in to USB when turning the PC pn, it’s some kind of conflict with the USB keyboard I use.
Answer #22
Nothing plugged in my friend – this damn laptop is going out of the window verrrrrrrrry soon!
Answer #23
a pre-cracked or cracked 7 ?
try “R” or “escape” at boot to bring up the cracks boot menu
had one machine I had to do this to load “7 loader” by alternative method to get it working
Answer #24
It’s a legit copy ed. I got a few when the Beta testing came out with legitimate serials.
I used MS’s tool for putting a bootable Win7 image onto a USB.
Is there a way I can get Acronis Disk Director onto USB so I can re-format the drive? Does it need to be formatted as a logical/primary etc or just a windows format to NTFS (which is what I did before it went in?)
Thanks for the support!
Answer #25
or just a windows format to NTFS (which is what I did before it went in?)
that shouda worked
you trying to install the beta ?
it might be expired, try setting your PC’s date back to around the time you got the beta
Is there a way I can get Acronis Disk Director onto USB so I can re-format the drive?
Hiren’s BootCD should work for that, and has Acronis on it
Answer #26
I know a little bit about PC’s, not alot… so please dont give me grief if I have not grasped the situation, something similar happen to me…. I have 2 EIDE drives and I wanted a shiney new SATA drive, I was having the same kind of prob’s that you are having until I realised that, it did not make any difference what the order in the BIO’s the drives where in, or the fact all of my drives are clean/re-formatted, every time I tried to install Win7 on my SATA drive it would give error messages ” NTLDR is missing”. I found that if I disconnect all drives, reconectting them one at a time (start with the SATA drive followed with anything). and turning on my PC after each one and letting in recognise each drive before turning it off and then connecting the next drive and turning it on, The SATA had to be the first drive ONLY in the machine, and only then could I get Win7 on to SATA drive as the Master/c:/
I know you have not said you have a SATA drive and an EIDE drive, but I do and I was getting the same “NTLDR is missing” message as you, if this is no use to you, than maybe someone else reading this will be able to add to it (like brainstorming) and solve your prob’s.
Good Luck
Answer #27
Still got the flashing cursor….
Answer #28
Is there a way I can get Acronis Disk Director onto USB so I can re-format the drive?
see ‘s sig for Hiren’s BootCD
it has Acronis and can boot from USB
you tried selecting the HDD from the boot menu ?


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