How do I fix NTLDR is missing error?

January 24th, 2020

I start up my computer and I get this error : NTLDR is missing
Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete to restart
and then I tried using the windows xp home edition cd to repair typing commands trying to fix it, but when it says Windows is loading I get the BSOD ( Blue Screen of Death) and it says:
A problem has been dtected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. and stuff…
I don’t have a floppy drive, but I read some articles on how to boot with a floppy drive can someone explain that to me?
i have a hp pavillion a1640n

Answer #1
That error is easy to fix you should have just asked first before trying to fix it yourself. Well try the repair option on the XP cd. Not the recovery console there’ll be an option to repair at the screen where you have to choose the partition. See if that works


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