Network and Password

July 31st, 2016

i bought a powerline in order to decrease my internet loss and stability that wifi has.
It works fine, but i am afraid that if someone else buy the same powerline or similar will have access to my internet and my network files,printers etc.
Is there anyway to filter users who will use network and internet via ethernet?

Answer #1
the powerline works only on closed circuits. as long as no one else in on your circuit, you are fine. Depending on the model and the layout of your electric system , someone could tap in from the outside, hence there is a potential leak.
you should be able to set a password on your adapter, typically with the software from the provider , works similar to a wi-fi adapter.
Answer #2
Check your make and model.
All of these have security..
Answer #3
i have tplink as powerline.
i tried it in 2 different floors and worked without asking me for a password thats why i m afraid!
ok i will try to check if tplink has any software about it.
Answer #4
The thing is :
As long as you are in your own circuit, it will work flawlessly , you can set the “main” plug to have a password, then simply plug the other one in , press the “sync” button , and on you go. But then you are also able to see which one is actually dialled into your network.
Here is a screen from mine : Image
as you can see, both adapters are plugged in , you can change the pwd, but then there is an “auto-connect” button on each device which will sync it once pressed.
The end of your local LAN is that little box that counts your electric usage, the adapters will not go beyond them , but anywhere within you can simply plug one in and are online with your lan


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