Need help with Motherboard Question please :)

December 26th, 2013

Hello all, And thanks in advance for any help given, Last night i removed my Power Sw, Power Led, And Hdd led by accident from motherboard And when i looked at it again to replace them on motherboard i have no idea what pins thay go on or what order ?
I looked on Fujitsu site using my serial number and motherboard number for some kind of manual that shows where these go but there is nothing there to help me. I googled for hours still nothing . I dont know what is postition thay connect back onto the little pins in what order thay are tiny and on motherboard thay are only colour coded
Somebody please help me I can give you serial number to motherboard and computer model to help you.
Thanks for your time i am greatfull for any help resolving this matter.
Some info
Product(s): SCALEO H D2470-A1 serial number : YSDK017317

Answer #1
Does this help?
Found the PDF here

Answer #2
Ok thanks will have a look and report back in a little while. thanks for your help mate.
Answer #3
I tried following the picture as to where to put the power sw, hdd led, and power led , it does not boot up when turned on the monitor says no signal and the hd light on front of pc is a dull orange colour when it is supposed to be green ?
When it turns on i can see that the cpu fan is on and graphics card fan starts turning, power supply runs fine, all the hardrive is connected correctly all lead to motherboard are connected.
The only thing that is not quite right is the 3 tiny leads i just said about in the correct places ? I am at my wits end and have no idea as to what to do now ? .
Any help would be very much appreciated, so thanks in advance. Could if any of those leads i said about placed incorrectly make the pc not boot or course incorrect power to stop hardrive from booting. ??
The strange thing is before thay where removed everything was fine . i removed them by mistake while cleaning pc .
Please help me all, I miss my pc big gamer not got to play rage yet or my beloved rift lol
Answer #4
Your 100% sure those were the only wires you disconnected? Maybe you disconnected the 4PIN one near the CPU socket as well? That can certainly cause what your describing.
Answer #5
Yeah i removed that allso but it is firmly inplace now. Yeah all others are in, trying to think of what to try next. When pc is switched on should the cpu heat up ? it feels stone cold . Like i said when the poers sw, or hdd led or power led placed incorrectly could that cause probems ?
No idea what to do now . Been trying to find exat picture of where those pins go on my motherboard , like in the manual on fujitsu siemens website but it does not look the same
Any ideas i can try ?
Answer #6
It is strange as everything is on like cpu fan, graphics card fan, power supply fan. but now the light is dull orange colour when normaly green. I remember that 3 weeks ago i added another fan. and after switched it on the light was a duller colour like an orange colour. but pc still worked ?
The when i tried to clean it removed those leads then turned it back on it does not boot and still light is orange. ?
Thanks for help and suggestions.
Answer #7
Maybe you accidently opened one or more clips (on the RAM slots)? Even a single opened clip can cause a blank screen,Make sure
the RAM sits tight too. You definitely connected the power sw correctly otherwise it wouldn’t have turned on,The orange part
might be normal as it may switch to that when it’s unable to boot so I wouldn’t worry too much about that for now,Besides,I’ve
never heard of an improperly connected case led causing this problem.
Answer #8
Was it booting up properly (monitor on) when you had the Power Sw, Power Led, and Hdd led disconnected, as stated in your first post?
Answer #9
Roberto400 replied: Maybe you accidently opened one or more clips (on the RAM slots)? Even a single opened clip can cause a blank screen,Make sure
the RAM sits tight too. You definitely connected the power sw correctly otherwise it wouldn't have turned on,The orange part
might be normal as it may switch to that when it's unable to boot so I wouldn't worry too much about that for now,Besides,I've
never heard of an improperly connected case led causing this problem.

I removed the ram and replaced them firmly into place, and the clips on the ram are pushed down tightly. If clips are up on empty ram bays that does not matter right ?
And the monitor just says no signal ? then switches itself to standby mode Could it be my graphics card ?
Would a computer not boot up if graphics card was faulty ? the graphics card fan spins and,cpu fan is on and power supply fan is on, Another thing that is wierd is even after a min or 2 being on the cpu still feels stone cold ?
I have been trying everything i can think off. So in theory could a pc boot up without the Power sw, and power led, and the hdd led not plugged in ?
Or is that impossible ? Allso if it was the cpu would pc even switch on ?
It is these dam power sw, and power led , and hdd led that is plugged in wrong i think ?
Allso there is a little black plug that sits on 2 pins near those 3 leads, that has no wire connected to it ? what is that for ?
Thanks for replies and help .
Answer #10
No beeps?
Answer #11
How exactly did you clean your PC? This can make a big difference.
A vacuum should never be used to clean up any kind of electrical circuits/devices as they’re a static powerhouse!
If you used one,You probably fried the motherboard.
vinny100 replied: If clips are up on empty ram bays that does not matter right ?
It does,All clips have to be closed,Even on the empty slots!
vinny100 replied: I removed the ram and replaced them firmly into place
I assume that by “them” you mean you have at least 2 of em,Try each one standalone.
Also,Do the beeping test,Remove all sticks and power up,A healthy motherboard will always beep without RAM.
Note: The case speaker has to be connected to the motherboard for this.
vinny100 replied: Allso there is a little black plug that sits on 2 pins near those 3 leads, that has no wire connected to it ? what is that for ?
Gee I don’t know,Let me check with my crystal ball and get back to you on that!
What does it say?

vinny100 replied: So in theory could a pc boot up without the Power sw, and power led, and the hdd led not plugged in ?
You wouldn’t be able to even power up without the power sw,It’s the cable that goes to the case on/off button!
The leds are just case lights are non-essential,You could disconnect em if you want,But as said,I’ve never heard of an improperly
connected led causing this problem.
vinny100 replied: Could it be my graphics card ?
Yep,But that’s the least likely possibility.
vinny100 replied: Allso if it was the cpu would pc even switch on ?
Yes it would’ve actually,And would display the same symptoms as current,But CPUs rarely go bad so that’s unlikely to be the case.
You didn’t fiddle with it right? (As in removed it from it’s socket and re-inserted)
Answer #12
First of all. That pdf picture should easily help you see where the led cables go. Make sure they are well adjusted. Sometimes you have to use a bit of careful force on the setups to ensure everything is well seated. Make sure the motherboard is receiving power from the 4-8 pin connecter usually found near the cpu socket in the motherboard. Look up some info on how to build a pc to ensure you have everything connected. It really isn’t that complicated. Finally, boot and tell us what happens. What is the frequency of beeps that you hear at boot and are there any red lights lit on the mobo.[img][/img]
Answer #13
A vacuum should never be used to clean up any kind of electrical circuits/devices as they're a static powerhouse!
I’ve used vacuums and leaf blowers to clean PCs since forever.
If the motherboard doesn’t produce any beeps then it’s either the CPU or the motherboard. Reseat the CPU first if it doesn’t work your motherboard might be dead. However, first make sure the speaker is connected accordingly to the diagram above.
Answer #14
I remember that 3 weeks ago i added another fan. and after switched it on the light was a duller colour like an orange colour. but pc still worked ?
Was the fan “tapped” into one of the main black and yellow 12V rails, like the ones that go to disk drives ?.. If it got connected to a 12V standby rail,which only supply limited startup current, it could be dragging down the power supply..
Answer #15
Yeah, i will try all those things right now ok, thanks for your help i will report back later after trying those things to check.
So very greatfull for all your help lads


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