Need best software to clone encrypted hard drive

January 28th, 2020

A friend’s business has a hard drive for a machine that is encrypted. He wants to clone the drive to use in another unit. Is there any Windows or Linux software out there that will do a bit copy of the drive in question and the drive will work in the other unit? Thanks in advance.
Answer #1
Copy the drive wouldn’t be the problem.
But if it will work on another machine, I doubt that, what would be the point of the encryption then.
Answer #2
You could use acronis true image with the sector-by-sector option
but as said by it may not work on another system.
If the motherboard is identical or at the very least based on the same
chipset then odds are it will work,Otherwise no way,However
if it runs XP you could later on decrypt the drive and do a repair install,Then it’ll probably work right.
Answer #3
I actually don’t know how encryption systems work, since I never used one. So I wouldn’t know if encryption systems look @ the hardware itself or @ the serial of the hardware. I guess the advanced systems only look @ the serial of the hardware components since that can’t be changed, while hardware itself can be duplicated quite easy, the serial will always be different.
Answer #4
I wouldn't know if encryption systems look @ the hardware itself or @ the serial of the hardware.
They don’t,It’s windows that get a lock on the hardware which
is why it’s often impossible to clone it to another PC.
Answer #5
I wouldn't know if encryption systems look @ the hardware itself or @ the serial of the hardware.
They don't,It's windows that get a lock on the hardware which
is why it's often impossible to clone it to another PC.

Ya I know it’s the OS that does the encryption But my doubt was if the encryption is based on the hardware components or based on the serials of the hardware components.
Answer #6

Ya I know it's the OS that does the encryption But my doubt was if the encryption is based on the hardware components or based on the serials of the hardware components.

That is incorrect,Windows has nothing to do with it,Unless bitlocker is used (bitlocker is microsoft’s drive encryption app)
and just to clarify once more,There’s no correlation,The encryption
is not hardware based.
Answer #7
Apparently it’s for an arcade machine. From what I understand, the drive that has to be cloned must have every bit copied to the exact same address on the 2nd drive, including any errors the software might detect as that may be part of the copy protection scheme. Linux copiers MAY be able to do this better than Windows copiers according to my friend. So far all the copiers he has tried (HDCLONE free version, Ghost, etc.) have failed but he isn’t giving up (yet).
Thanks for all the suggestions so far.
Found these:


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