Nedd some help with booting

August 5th, 2016

Hi everyone!
First of all I do apologize if this topic has been already covered,i dont mean to spam arround.
Here is my problem and question:
Recently i got myself one more Hd(160) drive and installed a Xpsp2 pro on it.
On my older Hd (80g) i have it as well.
Now, how do I choose which one to boot from but not going to BIOS every time I want to change from which Hd i wanna boot?
Is that possible?
I would really appreciate the help!
Also i found on some forum that os200 is a program that could help me but cant find a link to full version of it. If anyone has it please do share it!
Many thanks !

Answer #1
Are they IDE or sata? Just set one as master and other as slave if their on the same cable for IDE. Sata is just plug and play. The first boot device should be HDD. If their both connected and powered on, does it come up with the dual boot screen?
Answer #2
Acronis OS Selector 8.0.914
Acronis OS Selector is a boot and partition manager. As a boot manager it allows you to multiboot between several operating systems installed on your computer. As a partition manager it allows you to create, delete, copy, resize, move and perform several other operations with your hard drive partitions. All these features are included in our new award-winning Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 that can be used as a partitioning tool, boot manager, disk editor. It can also be used to recover deleted partitions
Answer #3
Are they IDE or sata? Just set one as master and other as slave if their on the same cable for IDE. Sata is just plug and play. The first boot device should be HDD. If their both connected and powered on, does it come up with the dual boot screen?
Thanks for qiock reply!
both are sata, first boot device is the Hdd-all is fine in the bios..and no there is no dual boot screen…
I just tried that osl200 program and i’m not satisfied..
Answer #4
Thanks i will check it up!


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