My vista OS

August 5th, 2016

My system information tells me 64-bit, my program files tell me (x86).
x86 is for 32-bit. It was installed by the computer shop.
Lolwut? Halp me and my computron plz, it functions, but this is WEIRD, I don’t know what to download when I’m dl’ing appz: 64-bit, or 32-bit.
Thanks for feedback.

Answer #1
It’s 64.
System information is more reliable than program files.
If worse comes to worse, download both?
Or…go to
Answer #2
what programs say its 32bit? System info shouldnt lie. Here’s a simple test (A) if you have 4GB ram or more check if its limited in system info
(B) Use everest and see what type of OS it comes up with
Answer #3
I haz a 64-bit!!
Thanks guys.


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