My CPU is screwed

January 27th, 2020

Ok, i have a pent D ~ 3.4GHZ, and it normaly runs hot, very hot (like 60 idel)
And i just got a new GFX card, i got some pr0 help putting it in (along with new MOBO, RAM and a PSU) But the PC is saying that my CPU is only running @ 2.4GHZ. Any help please??

Answer #1
The CPU doesn’t have to run @ 3.4 Ghz but it should display that it is 3.4 Ghz. Get CPU-Z, it’s a freeware and see what it says about your CPU. You can get it here:
If it doesn’t say that your CPU is @ the correct frequency then it might be your PSU. Nowadays you’d need a powerful power supply to support good hardware so find out what your PSU output is. If it’s anywhere less than 500W then I would suggest getting a new and more powerful PSU. Also, what is your mother board model and what is your exact model of your processor? Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #2
Read the manual of your mother board, not sure if it still is but previously you had to set the jumpers to the right hz. Or some bios stuff. But watch out with thist sort of stuff can hurt your PC badly, if you’re doing it wrong.
Answer #3
Its a new 600 wat PSU…. it WAS powering quad + 2 8800GTX’s in SLI… i think its powerfull enough?
Answer #4
Yeah..the PSU might do but just barely. Running 8800GTX’s in SLI mode and a quad core isn’t a very easy task
Anyway, what does CPU-z show you?
Answer #5
It says 2.4 as well….
Answer #6
What is your mother board model and what is your exact model of your processor?
Answer #7
If you’ve just put the cpu into a new mobo, you need to go into the bios and check that the multipliers and fsb are set correctly – it’s not often done for you!
(eg, when I had a amd 4200, it was initially seen as an 1800, my current Q6600 was running at the wrong multiplier until I reset it)
Go into the bios and check..
Answer #8
Ok my processer is a Intel Pentium D 945 (3.4GHZ)
And my MoBo is a BioStar p4m890
EDIT: I turned my PC on… and all of a sudden it was saying that it was 3.4!!!!
But when i started CSS, it went back down to 2.4 -.-
Answer #9
I wanted to check that your Mother board fully supports your processor. Since your MoBo can work at either 1066Mhz and 800Mhz but your processor’s FSB is 800Ghz you need to check in the BIOS setup that your motherboard is set to work at 800Ghz too. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #10
I lookede everywhere on my BIOS… i cant find the words FSB anywhere
OK i found it… however it is set to 200 and i cant change it o0
Answer #11
I wanted to check that your Mother board fully supports your processor. Since your MoBo can work at either 1066Mhz and 800Mhz but your processor's FSB is 800Ghz you need to check in the BIOS setup that your motherboard is set to work at 800Ghz too. Good luck mate ^_^
800Ghz ???????
Answer #12
Check for some kind of power saver feature in the bios, intel speedstep or something.
Answer #13
Check for some kind of power saver feature in the bios, intel speedstep or something.
Can’t see anything like it


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