Monitor going bad…what is causing this?

September 27th, 2013

The volume control box keeps popping up on my screen and staying there. I have to keep pushing the volume buttons to get it to go off. I never even use the monitor speakers, I always use headphones. I have posted a pic link so you can see what I am talking about.
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Answer #1
is the monitor an ‘hp’ monitor?
Answer #2
No, emachine monitor.
Answer #3
If you’re lucky… try this
if you’re not… which most of the time this occurs, its a faulty connection inside the monitor itself, im not saying do this straight away but you may have to take off the outer casing and disconnect the circuit board in which the buttons are connected to, most people with this problem tend to try that, service there monitor or just buy a new one..
Answer #4
Volume button may be sticky or you got moisture in the button panel which is shorting things out..
Answer #5
Nothing is working. This has been going on for a few weeks, so I am guessing that it is not moisture? How hard is it going to be to just disconnect the wires? Thanks.
Answer #6
Depends…But there is probably a cable from the main board that plugs into the button board that can be unplugged.
Answer #7
Not sure this helps anything, but when you push the + button to turn the volume up when the box is stuck on the screen if you push and hold the button it shows the volume increasing but as soon as you release your finger it shows it going all the way back to 0.
Answer #8
Sounds like the – button is “leaky”.
Although, of course, it could be faulty chips somewhere in the control circuitry..”
Answer #9
Have fun Buying an new TFT screen
This is not in your software ints your screen.
maybe you need to clean you TFT sceen inside wil fix alot of probs
Buttons etc…


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