Looking for More Toos like UBCD,Hirens Boot CD ETC.
August 1st, 2016
I’m looking for any new tools of the following categories/types:
-> Hirens Boot CD.
-> Universal Boot CD (UBCD)
-> Any Hard Drive Diagnosis Tools.
-> Hard Drive Formatting Tools.
-> Tools related to Booting of Computer from DVD.(When OS crashes)
I’m looking forward for some innovative responses.
Thanks for your time.
– DK
What is MRI?
What is MRI?
search apps section for “MRI”
also check out “Active Boot Disk 5 plus”
Any Hard Drive Diagnosis Tools.
Hard Disk Sentinel
Thanks . You’re the best 😀
Well, The reason I’m particularly interested since last week I had a bunch of HDD’s which were fine but UBCD Diagnosis showed them broken, So wanted a good diagnosis tool.
Also, Do you know any Good Tool to Format HDD’s? Thru DOS or from DVD(Booting thru DVD)
Thanks for your time.
Hirens Boot CD.
Good Tool to Format HDD's? Thru DOS or from DVD(Booting thru DVD)
Hirens Boot CD has some
just about any but “Partition Magic” will do fine
Acitve’s got a good on too
Partition Magic is old and error prone
What is MRI?
This is what Best Buy geek squad use for troubleshooting
Also, Do you know any Good Tool to Format HDD's?
DBAN (Darik’s Boot and Nuke) if you want to reduce recoverability of the data
MRI has DBAN, HDD utils, memory utils, and a crazy thorough virus scan. It’s really the best AIO bootable software utility.
Thanks and Edwoobweb. You guys are the best as always.
If there are any more tools related to BIOS or RAM or anything, feel free to share. I’ll burn everything to DVD’s (Better to be sure this time )
Not exactly another program suggestion but a suggestion anyways… Have you considered using an USB stick instead of a DVD ? More portable and easily updated.
Not exactly another program suggestion but a suggestion anyways... Have you considered using an USB stick instead of a DVD ? More portable and easily updated.
yes mate. I’m fine with USB too. But since there are a lot of programs, I’ve decided to burn it on a DVD.
Thanks for your help. I’m sure this thread will help a lot of people.
yeah this thread helped me, thanks
Oh no. You guys forgot MSDarT
Thanks for mentioning these apps
Helpful thread indeed
What about Hawk and TRK? HawkDVD has a massive amount of utils. TRK is the best virus scanner I have found on the net for free.
well nobody mentioned TESTDISK runs in DOS , I partically used it and would recommend it to anyone http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk
BTW, it is FREE !!
well nobody mentioned TESTDISK runs in DOS , I partically used it and would recommend it to anyone
TestDisk is on HBCDhttp://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk
BTW, it is FREE !!

Yupp, didn’t see that
thanks guys:) some good advice…I might be back for some help:)
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Windows To Go > All. If you work in IT its an absolute must.
Paragon Hard Disk Manager and Active Boot Disk are UEFI Secure Boot Compatible (A must in 2016)