Linux game simular to WoW

November 20th, 2013

I am looking for a game like WoW that can be played on Linux. I have tryed useing wine to play wow, but the lag is way to high and I keept getting kicked. So am woundering what games there are out there like wow. Am looking for one that has player or guild house, skills, PvE, ect. Anyone have any suggestions?
Answer #1
can i ask why exactly you fan boys of linux continue to use this os. i know you do it because its “open source” and microsoft sucks but jeezes christ you put ur self in bad situations. just god damn get windows 7 and install all the games u like.
Add an useful, elaborate and on-topic comment next time.
AzN_Uber Leet
Answer #2
I use linux becouse its stable and secure. The only downside I have ever found with it at all its the game issue. I have used windows, it allways gets bugs, crashes, gives me the blue screen of death, ect. Linux has never done anything like that. Hence why I use it. The game thing is not a must have for me, but would be nice.
Answer #3
Have a look at this list and see if you find something that looks good:
Two of the more promising looking ones are:
Planeshift - Still in alpha development
Regnum Online -

Answer #4
OddJoe69 replied: I use linux becouse its stable and secure.
My Windows 7 is just as stable, and probably more secure than your linux box =(
OddJoe69 replied: The only downside I have ever found with it at all its the game issue.
That’s it? I can name MANY reasons why windows is better than Linux!
OddJoe69 replied: I have used windows, it allways gets bugs, crashes, gives me the blue screen of death, ect.
You need to learn how to setup, tweak and configure your OS. I have had windows installed since 2009, still runs at peak performance, and never had 1 BSOD, ever!
OddJoe69 replied: Linux has never done anything like that. Hence why I use it.
Sounds like your a default and go kind of guy. If you don’t wanna take the time to configure windows, then yea, it will suck. But if you spend a little time setting up your OS, it will run just as good.
OddJoe69 replied: The game thing is not a must have for me, but would be nice.
Don’t get me wrong, Linux has its purposes, there are many applications for Linux. But for a desktop user that plays games and goes to school and has a job where computers are used, Windows is by far a better option in every aspect.
If you need Linux, just run it in a VM in Windows side by side seamlessly.
Answer #5
Belderan replied: Have a look at this list and see if you find something that looks good:
Two of the more promising looking ones are:
Planeshift - Still in alpha development
Regnum Online -

Thank you for the suggestions, I will check them out.
I will not get into the whole linux vs windows debate. I was simply stating my personal expernices between bouth OS. I am not a noob or default kinda guy. I have been a self taught computer programmer for a long time now. As far as the points you where making about the tweaks and stuff in windows, I did have almost everything twiked to cater to my needs. Windows just simply has alot of trouble doing the things I need to do, and with its huge security issues, its not really safe to do any creditable work on.
Answer #6
SmAsHeDr replied: OddJoe69 replied: I use linux becouse its stable and secure.
My Windows 7 is just as stable, and probably more secure than your linux box =(
OddJoe69 replied: The only downside I have ever found with it at all its the game issue.
That's it? I can name MANY reasons why windows is better than Linux!
OddJoe69 replied: I have used windows, it allways gets bugs, crashes, gives me the blue screen of death, ect.
You need to learn how to setup, tweak and configure your OS. I have had windows installed since 2009, still runs at peak performance, and never had 1 BSOD, ever!
OddJoe69 replied: Linux has never done anything like that. Hence why I use it.
Sounds like your a default and go kind of guy. If you don't wanna take the time to configure windows, then yea, it will suck. But if you spend a little time setting up your OS, it will run just as good.
OddJoe69 replied: The game thing is not a must have for me, but would be nice.
Don't get me wrong, Linux has its purposes, there are many applications for Linux. But for a desktop user that plays games and goes to school and has a job where computers are used, Windows is by far a better option in every aspect.
If you need Linux, just run it in a VM in Windows side by side seamlessly.

The guy asked for help not an endless OS debate.
Linux is more stable than Windows. Simple as that. btw I am not a Linux fan. I had Kubtunu on on laptop and I sold it. Everything else I have has Windows.


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