Limited or No Connectivity ..

January 24th, 2020

I was doing a scan this morning on some freeware antivirus programs including malwarebytes, superantispyware, etc. anyway, one of the scans finished, so as i was removing everything that was affected, i got a blue screen.
after restarting the computer, i couldn’t connect to the internet. my computer is upstairs connected to a router downstairs via a belkin wireless adaptor. i’ve spent the whole day restarting the internet, removing the wep key from the router so it’s unprotected, reinstalling the adaptor software on my computer, but every single solution leads to “limited or no connectivity”. the last time this happened, i ran a program called winsockxp which fixed it perfectly, but this time, it does nothing.
if i’ve missed out any important details that you need to know, please feel free to ask. thanks a lot.

Answer #1
you try firewalll settings ?
reinstalling the adaptor software
uninstall it then reboot and let windows reinstall it
got a system restore point ?
Answer #2
what do you mean have i tried the firewall settings? and no, i disabled system restore because of a nasty virus. this morning i was planning on doing one more scan before enabling it again, but this had to happen. |:
Answer #3
Limited or no connectivity means your Wifi could not connect to the router. if its a laptop try moving closer.
If its a desktop disconnect the router and plug it back in including the modem. What type of router is it?
Answer #4
also try re-installing the wireless network drivers, they may have become corrupted by that virus you got
Answer #5
you try firewalll settings ?
disabling it
or see if there’s any way to see if it’s blocking your hardware
you tried turning the modem off for a few mins
shut the PC down
turn off the modem for a few mins
turn on the modem and let if fully initialize
because of a nasty virus
I always reinstall windows after a virus attack no repair of an infected PC is ever full successful
Answer #6
i would try system recovery
Answer #7
you try firewalll settings ?
disabling it
or see if there's any way to see if it's blocking your hardware
you tried turning the modem off for a few mins
shut the PC down
turn off the modem for a few mins
turn on the modem and let if fully initialize
because of a nasty virus
I always reinstall windows after a virus attack no repair of an infected PC is ever full successful

i’ve tried leaving the modem unplugged with the router for an hour, but that still didn’t work. i also don’t see the point of reinstalling windows because i had already removed the virus ages ago, but my antiviruses expired, so i installed the best freeware solution someone told me on this website. then as i was doing the scans, i got a blue screen and that ruined everything.Image
Answer #8
un-install and re-install the wireless cards driver.
Answer #9
it’s a belkin wireless adaptor which allows me to connect to wireless connections. it just constantly says acquring network connection, and when i click it, it hasn’t receieved any packets while it has already sent a lot.
Answer #10
try these two commands to reset your tcp/ip settings which could have been affected by the virus
Netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt go to start and then, run type cmd, in dos windows type the first command then enter and do the same with second, restart computer
Answer #11

� wrote: Select all

try these two commands to reset your tcp/ip settings which could have been affected by the virus
Netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt go to start and then, run type cmd, in dos windows type the first command then enter and do the same with second, restart computer
i restarted, but it didn’t work. any more solutions?
Answer #12
system recovery m8
Answer #13
Well did the scans you ran make logs? Usually I get BSOD when something messes w/drivers. If there are logs you can see what those programs removed and go from there…