Laptop not turning on but fan is working

January 31st, 2020

Hello, I have a problem with my laptop. It doesn’t but boot even it is plugged in but i can only see that the fan is working. Also, the battery is not charging which started last week. The laptop is still working, I just need to turn it on for 5 mins (with fan only working) then I just need to unplug and plugged the charger and it will work that way. I’m thinking that this could be a motherboard issue, but I’m not sure. Is there any solution for this problem?
Answer #1
Have you tried taking the battery out and running it with just the adapter plugged in?
My first thought is that the battery is toast and the computer doesn’t start because it detects no power. By unplugging and plugging back in, you might be “clicking the switch” so the laptop starts to use the plugin.
Just a guess …
Answer #2
Yes, I did that already. Same problem, and same solution to make the system boot. I just need to turn it on (only fan working) for maybe 3-5 mins, and try to turn it on again then it will work. I don’t know what kind of problem is this but by searching on google some says that it can be a problem with overheating.
Answer #3
It won’t be overheating if you are booting your laptop after having it being off for a period of time.
MOBOs will shut down if temperatures exceed X and then force a wait period of 5 minutes or so before allowing you to reboot. Since you are booting cold so to speak, I wouldn’t think this to be a problem.
Maybe a sensor on the MOBO gone bad? You could try (if you haven’t done so already), cleaning the inside of the laptop. If dust etc have built-up .. but is there dust over the rainbow?
Answer #4
I’m thinking one of 2 things here, possibly the power supply went bad, which would explain why it’s not charging the battery, OR you reduced the CPU voltage, and it has to warm up to work. if not one of those, then it’s possible the motherboard has a problem in the regulator circuit. if something was spilled on it, that will cause problems..
Answer #5
My guess is either the power supply or the battery is busted..
You have to keep in mind that there some laptops that will not power if the battery is not charged..Even if the main is plugged in..
My guess anyway..I could be wrong..
Answer #6
Thanks for all the answers. BTW, the charging problem started when the laptop goes dead when the battery was drained (it forced shutdown). So it is possible that it is just a battery or power supply? Maybe…
Also I have my system and battery info here, this might help. Image


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