Jumper setting

August 5th, 2016

So when i get my new cd drive, how will i know what jumper settings to set?
and does the harddrive have jumper settings to?
could somone please explain how i would set it all up, because im building a pc from scratch.

Answer #1
mate hard drive requires jumper setting but not the cd rom drive.
all sort of jumper settings are at the front or back of ur hard drive.
it depends it u want to make it slave or master.
jsut check out the hard disk once and u will knw.
Answer #2
What will i need to look a though? Will the intructions tell me?
What will i need to set it to, slave or master?
Answer #3
yes if u have only one hard drive with windows installed at it.
u need to make it master drive.
and on ur hard disk a whole table must be give with all the possible configuration.
just take a look at the instruction table.
Answer #4
Thanks alot the pics really helped. So all i need to do is set it at master yeah.
Answer #5
no problem mate.
Answer #6
mate hard drive requires jumper setting but not the cd rom drive.
all sort of jumper settings are at the front or back of ur hard drive.
it depends it u want to make it slave or master.
jsut check out the hard disk once and u will knw.

You should use a correct jumper configuration, even on your CD\DVD Rom Drive.
I don’t know what kind of machine you are building. If it still has an IDE Hard Drive, set the hard drive as Master and connect it to the Primary IDE Controller.
If you have more than one IDE hard-drive, connect both hard-drives (one as Master and other as Slave) to the Primary IDE Controller.
On both cases shown above, connect the CD\DVD Drive as Master to the Secondary IDE Controller.
If the motherboard doesn’t have two IDE Controllers, just setup the hard-drive as Master and the CD\DVD Rom as Slave and connect them to the Primary IDE Controller.
SATA Hard-Drives do not use jumpers. So if you have SATA Hard-Drives, just setup the CD\DVD Rom as Master and connect it to the First IDE Controller.
In all cases, you should setup the CD\DVD Drive with a correct jumper configuration.
I think I’ve covered all the hypotheses. Any doubts, just ask!


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