IPv6 connectivity, no Internet Access.

August 3rd, 2016

Today I am facing problem about “IPv6 connectivity, no Internet Access.”
I have no idea whats wrong with it after installing ubuntu facing this issue internet working fine on ubuntu but on windows 7 facing this problem can you help me please?

Answer #1
Try configuring your connection like on this pic:
Answer #2
IPv4 working fine and set to automatically and IPv6 too but facing this problem “IPv6 connectivity, no Internet Access”
Answer #3
Then your isp isn’t using IPv6. That technology is still in its infancy and barely rolling out.
As of February 2014, the percentage of users reaching Google services over IPv6 surpassed 3% for the first time.[2]
Answer #4
IPv4 working fine and set to automatically and IPv6 too but facing this problem "IPv6 connectivity, no Internet Access"
Not sure what you mean by that! Is your Internet connection working or not?
If it’s working fine, Ignore the message, And just disable IPV6.
Answer #5
If your ISP is using IPV6 then ask their Customer Services for help.
I live in London UK and can’t get IPV6, I only know one person who does use it.


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