Need help monitoring internet access for any/all programs

August 6th, 2013

Something keeps trying to connect to a torrent site.
I have MBAM installed with all protection enabled, if admuncher is left open it says it blocked a malicious IP thru admuncher, if i close that then it says it blocked a ip (the same one) thru firefox
I don’t know what triggers it, it happens on WBB and another forum i visit.
Ive tried cmd running netstat , the connection attempts arent constant so that didnt help much.
Also tried wireshark but was overwhelmed by the program to be honest lol.
Any help, ive ran scans with Spybot, super antispyware, mbam, and ESET SS5
My firefox runs in sandboxie unless im updating a add on.

Answer #1
Virus? And you tried the weaklings, then its time to bring out the big guns.
Use Combofix…
Answer #2
Here is som info on the admunch issue.
Answer #3
SmAsHeDr replied: Virus? And you tried the weaklings, then its time to bring out the big guns.
Use Combofix...

Okay ill try this thanks
I have Admuncher installed, it’s not unusual i know its there, sorry for the confusion


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