iPod touch battery help

January 27th, 2020

My iPod touch battery is starting to go is there something I can buy thats in the 30 bucks range instead of sending it in to stupid Apple and waiting a couple weeks or whatever to get it back? Thanks for the help, Appreciate it.
Answer #1
Check eBay. Replacing them isn’t too difficult.
Answer #2
I just want to buy something and plug it in at the bottom I dont wanna open it up and play with wires or any crap like that.
Answer #3
My iPod touch battery is starting to go is there something I can buy thats in the 30 bucks range instead of sending it in to stupid Apple and waiting a couple weeks or whatever to get it back? Thanks for the help, Appreciate it.
Instead of making this lame topic, you could go on eBay and search for external batteries…
Answer #4
I don’t want to use eBay is there any where else to find battery packs for iPod touch?
Answer #5
I don't want to use eBay is there any where else to find battery packs for iPod touch?
In local store…. on the internet… damn you really like to ask stupid stuff!
Answer #6
Ok what do i ask for in a local store then? just be nice an answer it in the right way then.
Answer #7
just like everybody said search on ebay , nobody forced u to buy from ebay but u suppose to search for the product and then read the name and go to local store and ask them if its available
ebay is biggest and one of the best product search engine
Answer #8
Ok what do i ask for in a local store then?
Then ask clerk……
Come on…. are you kidding me? You really don;’t know what to ask? Do I need to write you down? What are you asking here?!
Answer #9
Well then someone tell me what is the best battery pack for the ipod touch then? its not that hard to answer this.


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