Impossible to search for Windows 8 or 8.1

July 31st, 2016

Try searching for “Windows 8” or “Windows 8.1”
Results completely irrelevant
Any clues?
Perhaps advanced / exact searching techniques available?

Answer #1
Just tried it for Windows 8.1 ………….. A lot of other irrelevent stuff came up but I found this within a few seconds …………
So it ain’t that hard is it!!
Answer #2
I’m used to searching for “Windows XP” or “Windows Vista” or even 7 and getting chock full exclusive relevant results; the OS itself, and cracks thereof.
Why no such luck with Win 8(.1) ?
Answer #3
We are aware of the search problem and fixes are planned to be implemented during the next few days
You’ll find that ^^^^ up by the header information when you login!!
Answer #4
just use google if all else fails loads of pages with download links for both on it


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