If you buy a game and pirate DLCs..

March 14th, 2014

If you buy a game (the base game) but pirate DLCs, can you play online or get official updates (patches) from steam?
Answer #1
you can get it to work but don’t go online with it
Answer #2
You think Valve wouldn’t consider that?
Of course, mwe12 is exactly right.
Pirating DLC’s kind of ruins the purpose of buying a game.
Same hassle with warez.
Getting it to work is harder than the warez one as methods are altered.
You can’t play online with it, authentication algorithms are present.
Answer #3
yes u can play but don’t think about getting online updates they might track u down.
Answer #4
You could get the updates for the original game you purchased.
However if they detect you have DLC content and you didnt pay for it, you could be in trouble.
Answer #5
f34r3d replied: You could get the updates for the original game you purchased.
However if they detect you have DLC content and you didnt pay for it, you could be in trouble.

And…if you get banned, they will never unban you.
Just like how they did to me on Modern Warfare 2.


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