i want to purchase graphic card plz help me :)

January 29th, 2020

i play many games i heard two companies ati and nvdia can u say the model which is best i want to purchase 1gb graphic card u shall say me which to buy ati or nvdia my budget is 30 to 40 $ thats it i want best graphics which plays all latest games i want 1gb graphic card
Answer #1
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Answer #2
You cannot get a good graphic card with 40$.Here is one for 75$
INNO3D 9500GT GeForce PCX 1GB (128-BITS) DDRII
You can play games in it made before 2007.
Answer #3
Try Raising your budget a bit mate. Else you won’t find a “Good” one. If you want a decent one you should raise a budget atleast 50$ more.
Answer #4
Provide your system specs!
$40 is surely not gonna cut it and FYI
there’s no correlation between the card’s memory size
to it’s performance.
Answer #5
mine is dual core processor with 3gb ram and 500gb hard disk what do u think
Answer #6
Download CPU-Z and provide screenshots from the CPU/Mainboard/Graphics
Answer #7
at present my insiade system is spoiled i need to format it once u can say me i said u na i have dual core processor 2.16ghz i get processor speed
Answer #8
I can’t make any solid recommendation without knowing which CPU & Motherboard
you have. Also,Do clarify,It’s a desktop right?
Answer #9
You probably can get an old 8800GT or something for $40. That’s probably the best you can get for the money. It’s pointless to be honest
Answer #10
i have mercury cpu and gigabyte motherboard intel dual core and 3gb ram etc
Answer #11
i want new models i changed my budget my budget is upto 80 $$$ so plz suggest me good graphics card of 1gb
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Answer #12
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Answer #13
The video memory on the card has little to do with it’s performance. For $80 you could get a used GTX 260 or GTS 250. Make sure you meet the power requirements. Also, read the forum rules here
Answer #14
is gtx 260 or gts 250 nice in clarity ?????????????????????
Answer #15
Eh? I can’t understand your question
Can you type properly in English and explain?
Answer #16
I think he is asking if the suggested graphic card has good performance(or ‘graphics’ in his terms)
OT: If you are looking for a good graphic card then power would also play a major component. You can’t basically have a good graphic card without enough power supply.
As suggested by Roberto , CPU-Z would help.
Answer #17
is gtx 260 or gts 250 nice in clarity ?????????????????????
they’re standard mid-range cards. They’re not the best but not the worst, it’ll run most newer stuff just not on high
Answer #18
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Answer #19
30$ – 40$ is just too less to buy a good graphic card
Answer #20
ok atleast i said before i changed my budget it is 90$ now suggest
Answer #21
HD 5770 or HD5670
Else nVidia GTS450
Answer #22
Let me advice you something mate. People won’t help you out if:
1> You don’t follow the rules.
2> Bump your post with Un-necessary replies
Just my 2cents to help you out mate
OT: As I told you on PM, You could go for 5570 that’s the best I could think of (Will cost you around 120$)
Answer #23
You should go for nVIDIA GeForce 9400GT Graphics Card, which is available in $71. I have this Graphics Card on my Intel Dual Core E2140 @ 1.60 GHz.
nVIDIA GeForce 9400GT
Answer #24
Go onto this site
and check it everyday. Thru the month of November they are gonna be having some outrages deals for Black Friday.
I got my ATI Radeon HD 5750 off there for $100
Just keep checking.
Answer #25
at present my insiade system is spoiled i need to format it once u can say me i said u na i have dual core processor 2.16ghz i get processor speed
U mean u want a faster processor?
if u test whit coretemp.. and ur temp is lower then 80 when running on full(make it whit a programm run on full capacity)
then u maybe can overclock..
u do that in bios
when u are starting ur computer u can enter bios..
here u could edit ur cpu capicity and make it more..
Answer #26
ok to be honest with a system like that you won’t find many games playable these days. If you’ve bothered to read the above comments, your best bet is either a new low end card or a used low-mid ranged card. You won’t find any top end cards for that price
Answer #27
Actually you don�t need graphic card if you play a lot and if you like to play new games. Now you buy graphic card than in one month you will have to buy memory. Computer is not for playing games. If you like to save money and play without problems �change resolution less details and other same sh..� buy Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation3.
PS you will save money definitely.
Upgrading computer for playing games is stupid thing.
Answer #28
I would prefer a HD 4870 for about $100. The DX11 cards u get for that budget of yours wont deliver that eyecandy anyway.
I don’t exactly understand what card suggested though
Answer #29
I want to say that the computers are not for playing games and people should realize that because how new games reach market you should buy new parts for the computer and when you calculate you will spent 1000$ and still you will be not satisfied with performance of your computer.


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