How would I improve image quality like on CSI?

August 23rd, 2013

I watch CSI and on that show they sometimes ‘enhance’ images to see numbers and stuff you would not normally be able to see.
Is there a program I can download to do this type of stuff?

Answer #1
Not sure if serious. It’s a freaking TV series.
Answer #2
LOL I am serious but I understand what you mean. Surely it can be done with some software?
I know it’s TV but worth a shot
Answer #3
Keep dreaming.
Answer #4
TV shows love to take grainy 640×480 CCTV images and magically enhance them into 30 Megapixel images that you can read a license plate from 16 blocks away. Its pure fantasy. Can’t be done.
Answer #5
You would need a multigigapixel image to start with to zoom in on it
Like this
Answer #6
They are CSI, they must have 1337 Technology which will be introduced 20 years from now.
As for now, afaik there is NO WAY


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