how to view the block letters of a password

January 24th, 2020

how to view the block letters of a password.I have a password in my mediafire account which it is in the asterik form.see the image below.
I want to read it but don’t know the way!
please help me!

thanks in advance!

Answer #1
Since you are using FF, go to Tools > Options > Security > Saved Passwords > Show Passwords. It will be listed there if you are not using a Master Password to hide all your other Passwords.
Answer #2
Or you can try this.
Answer #3
this may work.
copy this into the address bar and press enter.
javascript: var p=r(); function r(){var g=0;var x=false;var x=z(document.forms);g=g+1;var w=window.frames;for(var k=0;k<w.length;k++) {var x = ((x) || (z(w[k].document.forms)));g=g+1;}if (!x) alert('Password not found in ' + g + ' forms');}function z(f){var b=false;for(var i=0;i<f.length;i++) {var e=f[i].elements;for(var j=0;j<e.length;j++) {if (h(e[j])) {b=true}}}return b;}function h(ej){var s='';if (ej.type=='password'){s=ej.value;if (s!=''){prompt('Password found ', s)}else{alert('Password is blank')}return true;}}
found it when i wanted my hotmail pass to show up.
Answer #4
Snadboy Revelation V2 is a great tool for this. Helps a lot.


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