How to get LG 43UF770v to play .MKV files?

January 21st, 2020

Just bought a LG 43UF770v (which is great) but it wont recognise all the .mkv files on my pc. Its sees the .avi and .mp4 files but not the .mkv’s.
The tv tech/info says it plays .mkv’s but after Googling the problem it seems that the audio in the .mkv might be the problem.
I have been using Apple TV 2 to stream the .mkv’s from my pc to TV which is laggy and buffers a lot with anything over 1.5gb so was hoping the Smart TV would be the answer. The TV plays the mp4 and avi files beautifully by the way. When I have a large .mkv file that I want to play on ATV2 I use Xmedia recode which is great and converts 3gb files down to half a gig with no real loss. Tried using this to convert an mkv to ATV3 setting so it converted it to a mp4 but this still didnt show up on the TV?
Can someone please suggest a workround or software or best thing to do to sort the problem out.

Answer #1
Answer #2
You will have to hope that LG comes up with a firmware update.
Yes, try mkv2vob, or maybe use Xmedia recode to go to mp4 but set video to ‘copy’ but change audio to something else..
Answer #3
Hi Thanks….will give mkv2vob a go…any idea what the audio should be if i use xmedia recode?
Answer #4
Ok so mkv2vob work about 25% of the time and 75% of attempts dont show up on the LG tv.
Also not sure how to change audio files in xmedia…anyone?
Been googling for some support on this but not much out there…starting to think I’m the only one out there with an LG tv trying to play .mkv’s!!!???
Answer #5
With Xmedia Recode. open the file that you want to work on..
Then go to “Audio” and set it to “Convert” and to the format you wish to convert to…MP3 should be compatible..
Then you can go to “Video” and set it to “Copy” or “Convert” as desired.
After all that, click “Add to queue” and then “Convert”..
Answer #6
cheers for coming back to me
What format and profile should I select to start with?
Answer #7
Mine is the opposite. It will read all MKV files but it doesn’t read MP4.
42LD550, I play everything through USB though…
Answer #8
Is it different play something on usb then other than streaming?
Answer #9
With USB, the TV decodes the movie file and then displays it.
With streaming, it’s already decoded, so the TV is just acting as a monitor.
Although earlier models might have had problems, the many reviews that are about yours
suggest that it should play virtually anything that you throw at it from USB…All the formats seem to be covered..
Might be best to consult with your retailer or LG concerning this..
Answer #10
Will give it a try cheers
Weird if it can play everything from usb thou and not everything being streamed if when streaming it doenst have to worry about decoding and just acting as a mirror…would have thought it wud be the other way around……
Answer #11
Sorry, I was thinking more of streaming via HDMI….Streaming the video files via the network, does of course need the TV and it’s built in player
to decode them, so similar to USB, I would think..
You should not need an Apple Box but should be able to stream from PC to TV over the network just using the media player
or whatever they call it in your TV…..Much buffering and pausing is slow connection, could be weak Wi Fi, try ethernet cable.
You should be able to stream and play UHD (4k) movies with your TV… and even ones with the new HEV codec, according to the specs..
Answer #12
The only drawback for my model is no DTS support via USB
I believe your model supports everything
Answer #13
The only drawback for my model is no DTS support via USB
I believe your model supports everything

Well don’t worry, mine does absolutely nothing on USB except for firmware updates!
I invested in an Android box which is reasonable for most things.
Although TBH ,I think the best picture is using HDMI from the PC


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