How to get cheapest flights ?

August 5th, 2016

Hey guys hope you’ve had a nice week end.
Anybody know if there’s a way or a website to buy cheapest flights especially for destinations such as Mexico, I live in France and flight tickets are very expensive. Thanks for your advices

Answer #1
Searching the companies themselves and hunting for offers is better IMHO from what I(and some friends of mine) have seen, Ryanair is very cheap currently and people say it has good planes too, nothing special about their extras though and only travels to European destinations. For intercontinental travels SwissAir and Turkish Airlines are currently considered the best at my country and have some privileges in reasonable prices. Right now SwissAir has some offers for North and Central American destinations but if you want to know better, you should ask someone (actually several people) who lives in your country and has travelled abroad.
Answer #2
Last minute deals are always the cheapest.


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