How is Asus X53 laptop

December 27th, 2013

Should i bur Asus X53 laptop or not?
Answer #1
It’s not that simple,It depends on your intended usage and which one provides the best value for your budget,You need to be
more specific.
Answer #2
I am a student.Mainly gaming experience should be good and should run basic softwares lyk C,VB,Oracle
Answer #3
I wouldn’t touch that with a fifteen foot pole.
Answer #4
pizztol2010 replied: Mainly gaming experience should be good
Not gonna happen with that one,You still haven’t been specific enough,From which country are you from and what is your budget?
Answer #5
india …40K max
Answer #6
Best one I could find:
But I suggest you add at least another 2 gigs of ram to it,However you should hold off with that til you get it,So you
could determine the best course of action,Laptops have only 2 memory slots and if it comes with 2x 1GB sticks and
you’ll buy a 2GB one this could be a problem as you’d end up with 3GB in total and not 4.


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