How do i change my PSP ‘ok’ button from O to X?

January 23rd, 2020

Some no0b had his psp set to O for the enter button when he traded it in to eb games. That psp happens to be in my hands now, and i homebrewed it, and i just want to know…
How do i change the enter button from ‘O’ to ‘X’?

Answer #1
totally turn off your PSP then go to recovery (hold the R button while turning the PSP on ) then go to Registry hack and select Button assign and press O or X i don’t know when you press one of those it should be written down there something like X is currently enter PM me if you have any problems or if it works so i know i’ve been of help
EDIT: maybe that guy is japanese so O is his primary enter button that he couldn’t change


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