How do I change Folder Incon – Windows 10

February 7th, 2020

I would like to do some custom Icon to my current default Windows 10 folders.
My current Windows 10 Folders
But I would like it to look natural, like as illustrated above, when a folder is empty (as shown above) it looks empty and when a folder contains items it looks like it contains items (as shown above) These are the folder icons I would like to apply which I have not done as of yet.
As you can see one icon shows empty and the other shows full.
I would like to apply these Brown folder Icons so they look as natural as the default Windows 10 folders. (as shown in the first pic above) Thanx in advance

Answer #1
Right click on the icon> properties> At the bottom of the shortcut tab is change icon> browse to where you have the brown icons and click ok..
Answer #2
Right click on the icon> properties> At the bottom of the shortcut tab is change icon> browse to where you have the brown icons and click ok..
Thanx for the reply dude I know how to change the icon by right clicking a folder, this method does not have effect on your entire systems folders, it’s just a individual customization that’s applied per folder.
I would like to the root and change the system folders as a whole.
Thanx thou…..
Answer #3
pretty sure that system wide modifications like that are only possible with themes. Atleast that’s how it is in W7.
Answer #4
Yes correct . I forget how to do it, but have to change say the general theme wiith the icon.. google how to make a theme or something like that and id say there will be a guide some where on how to..
Answer #5
These icons are stored as png files inside C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll If you use a resource editor like PE Explorer you can replace them and save the resulting .dll
As for overwriting the original you would be better off doing that by booting from the windows cd and pressing shift+f11 at the install screen from there type in notepad.exe in the command window and file>open will give you a GUI file explorer to copy the modified dll into System32 overwriting the original
Answer #6
pretty sure that system wide modifications like that are only possible with themes. Atleast that's how it is in W7.
Yes correct . I forget how to do it, but have to change say the general theme wiith the icon.. google how to make a theme or something like that and id say there will be a guide some where on how to..
This guys vid explained it to a extent it was fairly simple. just basic.
Or maybe it was all he had up his sleeve. His method did work to a extent but when you apply your desired icon universally to all your folder it just does not yield the results that I desire.
EXAMPLE 1: My Desired ICON not applied with the YouTubers Method
EXAMPLE 2: My Desired ICON applied with the YouTubers Method
As you can see that there are no thumbnails present in EXAMPLE 2: this is because in order to apply your desired FOLDER ICON universally you would have to disable thumbnails in folder view settings Image
Which gives you this result when you open a folder which you have content in
This is what it’s suppose to look like with thumbnails enabled.
These icons are stored as png files inside C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll If you use a resource editor like PE Explorer you can replace them and save the resulting .dll
I am guessing I am going to have to go that route I was looking for the ez way out
I have not messed with a Shell Editor in years, I believe the last time I used one was when I edited my startup music for windows Xp and 7.
I was hoping Windows 10 was capable of customization to this degree.
As for overwriting the original you would be better off doing that by booting from the windows cd and pressing shift+f11 at the install screen from there type in notepad.exe in the command window and file>open will give you a GUI file explorer to copy the modified dll into System32 overwriting the original
Dam! that sound like if you don’t know what you are doing it could equal fail!
Answer #7
Anyone know of any good web sites that deal with Windows Customization and re-styling, possibly a few sites that are trafficked daily?
Only site that comes to mind on my end would be Deviant Art, I tried to join the Vista Style Builder forum but you would have had to have purchased the software to be apart of that forum.


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