Home based web server

January 27th, 2020

Hi guis i have a question:
i can buy a second hand IBM serve(intel xeon dual core) for pennies which is more or less brand new-bought brand new 6 months ago. The guy needs money and is selling it for less than 200$. So it’s tempting. Now i have experience with php and mysql but ive always used hosting services. The question really is how could i use this one as my own web server. I know i need to install http, dns and mysql services but from that point on i have no idea what to do. I wont need plesk panels or any of that cause ill be using it just for myself. it also has win 2008 server installed. so if anyone has any idea how that goes or can help in any way id really appreciate it…

Answer #1
Not that hard to do. If you want it accesible from the internet you need to setup port forwarding for the relevant services you’re running. Access will be via your wan IP address or you can get free hosts or paid to redirect to your IP address.
Answer #2
yeah obviously accesible from the internet. the thing is i want to use it for more than one thing. lets say 10-11 pages/portals
Answer #3
You will of course need to have a very high speed internet connection if you’re anticipating a serious amount of traffic.
Answer #4
you should google for “how to setup a dedicated server”
or go here (first result of search):
Answer #5
I recommend this over WAMP and XAMPP as components are kept far more up-to-date than others
Answer #6
internet connections: got em! and cheap. so it might not be a bad investment after all. i think ill go for it. thanks guys!


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