Help with making a topic title and searching for it.

January 23rd, 2020

Hi, I have a question.
Let say I have a topic with complete seasons of Heroes.
Lets say there are 4 seasons. Now I want that people can find my topic when typing: Heroes season 1, but I also want people to find my topic when they type Heroes season 3.
As you know, there is a limit for the lenght of the title. So I can’t name the title like: Heroes season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4. etc. etc.
My question is: is there a way that people can find my topic even when the title is not exactly the same as they are looking for. Maybe something like Heroes seasons 1*4. Or Heroes seasons 1/4. Is there a way to get the 2 and 3 for the search as well?
I hope you understand.

Answer #1
The numbers won’t count as there is a minimum of 2 digits…
Answer #2
Thanks for the reply. I think I wasn’t really understandable.
Let’s say that I want my topic to be found on the search screen when people search for:
Heroes season 1
Heroes season 2
Heroes season 3
Heroes season 4.
What’s the best title to choose?
Answer #3
They all bring up the same amount of search…As the number at the end will be ignored…
Answer #4
Ahhhh thanks! Now I see.


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