Help me in my master thesis product development

January 27th, 2020

Hello WBB people!
I’m doing a project on combining construction kits and 3D printing as part of my master thesis in industrial design.
Inspired from the user involvement from crowd funding, I want to develop the concept partly in collaboration with potential users and hope you are interested in helping out with either feedback or input. I’ve posted it on different kind of modeling fora, but thought you might have some creative ideas too and some interest in the topic.
So here goes:
Do you use 3D printing? Do you build any kinds of models at any level?
Any thoughts/references/ideas related to the project, that you may have will be very helpful.
If you’re interested in helping, please comment/follow at either of the following pages. The Facebook page is still “infant”, but don’t be afraid of liking and please share anything.
The project has just entered the idea development stage, so I’ll start posting regular updates shortly.

Further please answer this very short survey if you have time:

Thanks for any time you may invest in helping me in my project. If you help me out I’ll upload something weird for you!
Torben Hove Larsen
MSc 4, Industrial Design
Architecture, Design and Media Technology
Aalborg University, Denmark

The basis of my project:
With inspiration in the diverse use of modular toys like Lego, GeoMag and littleBits, I am doing a master thesis project based on the fact that these are all targeted children.
Related products, aimed at a grown up audiences are either fixed kits like Revell or freeform modeling with advanced methods like lathing or milling. My aim with this project is to develop a product in the middle, between these two types of products. A product that facilitates creative model building.
To set the product in a contemporary context, the idea development will be based on a concept of including 3D printing as a mean for further modulation.
This way it will be a platform for facilitating the personal use of 3D printers along with being a construction kit for model building.
The idea development will be based on the following problem statement:

"How can a modular construction kit both facilitate model building and enhance the qualities and use of a personal 3D printer?"

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Answer #1
If any of you have used 3D printing in your hobbies, please post pics of what you have made.
If you would even post it at the Facebook page, it would be really awesome, to get the page started up.
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