Help: Laptop Problem Shuts Down

August 3rd, 2016

i have a lenovo 3000 c200 and reinstalled windows xp home edition and installed all the drivers.and i recently bought a new ac adapter.i leave it charging for 2 hours and disconnect it and it only last 20 minutes before it starts never happen stuck on what i could be..can anyone help me out?
im guessing i need a new battery or a driver i didnt install right..

Answer #1
Well look at your battery icon does it reach 100% after 2 hour charge? I dont know about your laptop but my laptop always taken 6 hours to charge its battery and only gives me 1 hour and half. When new in 07 it would give me 2 hours and half. Batteries die fairly quick even if you take care of them. Im guessing you need new battery. Or could be the new ac you got is not good enough for charging battery.
Answer #2
i have a lenovo 3000 c200 and reinstalled windows xp home edition and installed all the drivers.and i recently bought a new ac adapter.i leave it charging for 2 hours and disconnect it and it only last 20 minutes before it starts never happen stuck on what i could be..can anyone help me out?
im guessing i need a new battery or a driver i didnt install right..
It sounds like the battery to me. I was told when you buy a new adapter for your laptop and the battery is old, that sometimes it may be too much for your old battery and puts a strain on it to where it will actually draw the battery down and lower the capacity of the battery. But don`t quote me on that. See if you can get it checked out to make sure. I think you can bring it to a computer repair shop and they can test the battery and see. By the way, how old is the laptop and the battery if it`s the original?
Answer #3
yes i have left it longer and it does show its 100% charged.yes the laptop is an older model lenovo 3000 c200 ive have it since 2005 i think.the ac adapter was bought 6 months ago and the batery is the original.
Answer #4
does it beep while in the post??? check here for beep codes for your respective bios
this is a helpfull chat that can help find out what the issue is
Answer #5
Yeah since it`s 5 years old then it has to be the battery. It has seen it`s better days. Tell me this, does it give you any problems plugged in using the ac power?


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