[HELP-IDEAS] Can anyone give me a brilliant idea?

October 22nd, 2013

Hey guys, i know warez-bb is filled up with designers and I’ve been asked to do a small project and I ran out of ideas, none seem to fit.
I have to do a flash animation (30 sec) that includes characters, scenarios and sound. Since it’s so short all my ideas can’t be short enough (at least 1 min is needed to let people be familiar with characters) so I would appreciate any help with ideas, sketches, storyboards, etc…
Thx in advanced
PS: Didn’t see that the helpdesk would be the addequate place to post this topic because all I wanted were ideas so if any moderator can move this I would appreciate it.

Answer #1
A bunch of firemen going through rooms (on fire obviously) to finally rescue someone .
Hero going through couple of rooms with baddies and finally save a princess.
True it’s kind of hard in 30sec but I think the idea of a character moving through places to eventually reach a goal just glimpsed at the start, it helps you pace the all thing with fixed backgrounds and animated foreground.
Answer #2
characters: 15 people
scene: upscale country club
sounds: talk about the stock market and how so and so always cheats at golf. loud noises that sound dangerous. various dishes and machinery noises from the kitchen.
scenario: the gang groups, the Bloods and their fellow rivals, the Crips , are having a fight with guns, knives and fists and somehow move their brawl into the bar of the country club. A weak, fragile and mild-mannered waiter confronts the gangs with his usual low-self esteem styled-speaking, discusses the country clubs’ etiquette rules and dress code policy. The leader of both gangs comprise and they all sit down, with their problems forgotten, and have a jolly old time over a few drinks.
Answer #3
Answer #4
Marekolte I like that idea of continuum action through over different scenarios =)
Bob Newhart your idea is good but not “executable” in 30 seconds :S good try though.
Since this work will have a due time of 1 and a half weeks i’m open to new suggestions .
PS: When this is done if I selected one of your ideas you not only have your name there but I’ll also post here the final work Thx in advance
Answer #5
Bob Newhart your idea is good but not "executable" in 30 seconds :S good try though.
That’s the genius behind it though. You make a story that isn’t short and cram it all into 30 seconds. Have you ever seen The Benny Hill Show? Use that as the music or soundtrack, and have all the characters moving around in fast speed, like on The Benny Hill Show.
Here’s the theme song
Sorry for the myspace and the poor video, I couldn’t find a single related video on youtube with the chase scene. You’d probably have to download an episode to get the full appreciation of the fast-paced motion and the song.


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