Help decide on Graphics card

August 5th, 2016

I have a geforce 8400 GS that came with my HP media center PC. That card was good it did what i needed it to do, but it crapped out on me yesterday. So now i’m thinking of upgrading it with a geforce 9400 GT or getting it replaced. Do you think this is a good upgrade? I’m no longer a PC gamer now that i have an xbox and only use PC for games like WoW and movies. I still have a warranty with BestBuy so i can get it replaced but is it just better to upgrade to a 9400 GT as i hate taking my entire PC in even though i now what wrong and have the employee’s mess it up, or say nothing is wrong, plus the fact i will be out of a PC for a week or however long it takes.
Do you think it worth the money to upgrade to a 9400?
i know there are better card then this out there but i don’t want to spend to much as i could get a replacement for free, plus 9400GT is the max my 300 PSU will support.
The card i want to buy
P.S i use my Media Pc as a regular PC.

Answer #1
Its basically the same thing, with a 128 bit bus. Its like a 8500GT. See if AMD has a similar priced card, if you really need a replacement.
Answer #2
There ya go!
Newegg also has them for about $50 if you’d rather order through them!
Answer #3
if u no longer play games.. then u need to upgrade..
coz 8400 is a descent card..
Answer #4
use ati if u like!!
Answer #5
naw i can just go to tigerdirect and pick it up, But the question is should i upgrade to a 9400 GT when i can get a replacement from BB for free?
Like if the 9400GT is actually 2x better then a 8400 GS then i might as well upgrade. Now if they are very similar and i would get very minimal performance increase might as well save my money and just have BB fix it.
Also why are you guys suggesting different brand cards? is the sparkle 9400 GT i want to get no good? compared to the ones your showing?
Answer #6
8600GT may be!
Answer #7
no sorry, i only want to know if i should move from a 8400 to a 9400. Please do not reply saying buy geforce xxxx as i just want to chose between a 9400 or 8400. Likem i have said i can get it replaced for free from BB and was wondering if there are any improvemnts that the 9400 would have over the 8400, and if there are slim to none then i will noty waste my money.
That’s about all i need to know, i know i can get better cards but i would also need to get a new PSU and i do not game on my pc anymore so there is no need for me to spend to much money. 50 dollars is not a big deal but i still don’t want to waste the money if the 2 cards are almost the same or if it will provide minimal increase in performance then i will just get the 8400 replaced and save 50 dollars. for when i actually do a psu upgrade.
Answer #8
I have a 9400 in my HTPC and like it
it’s quiet and runs cooler that the 8400GS
if your gaming get the 9400
that’s the only situation where you gain with the 9400
basic performance is about the same
Answer #9
if your happy with the performance your getting on games with the 8400gs stay with it, as you will only notice a difference in gaming and even then it is not a hugh difference.
save your 50 dollars for when you do a psu upgrade.
Answer #10
I have a 9400 in my HTPC and like it
it's quiet and runs cooler that the 8400GS
if your gaming get the 9400
that's the only situation where you gain with the 9400
basic performance is about the same

My 8400gs is the XFX passive model, very quiet indeed.
Just a little bit hot over summer, (excess 79 degrees Celsius). I remedied it 2 ways: a case fan bolted to the case blowing air inwards towards the cooler (56 degrees celsius for 10 hours on a summer day). Verdict: very loud as vents are small.
Swapped the CPU cooler that was big and blew the air straight down towards the GPU cooler (59 degrees celsius for winter time). Verdict: no noise from the cooler, slightly higher temps, bearable.
Well one reason you could want to get 9400 GT is that its more efficient at its job. The 8400gs according to reviews struggles at higher resolutions of high definition videos.
Answer #11
really, if it dose a better job at video then it maybe worth the money, i watch a lot of movies, but i do it via tversity rather then have the PC hooked up to my TV (dunno if that still would count). To i do game but only games like world of warcraft with the geforce 8400 gs the graphics where almost set to high and it ran fine at my native res of 1440×900, so if i can max out my WoW settings then it maybe worth the money. Please let me know
The geforce 8400gs is a 64 bit card which sucks, so to that note i will upgrade to the 9400GT which is 128 bit (i know still crap) and this way i should be able to get better performance even if the clocks speeds where the same. plus the increase from 256MB video memory to 1024MB should help as well.


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