group voice chat
January 28th, 2020
I am looking for a free or cheap system where we can have 10-20 people in a room. If there is a site or app that uses facebook, skype, or a flash site then that might be best…
what is out there that you know about?
Mahalo for your time all…
Teamspeak is free, or ventrilo for paid. Others also use mumble, another free one.
If you go the free route, I can help you get a vps for cheap to run it. Just shoot me a pm.
Yo can also find me on wbb irc.
I only see how TS and Mum is free for a short time, but is vent public free for up to 100 spots? Am i reading that wrong?
Vent only free for up to 8. Why I said its a paid option. Just a popular one.
The only way to get more than 8 with out paying is for everyone using your cracked server, to have a cracked client; which defeats the point of Ventrilo.
I would strongly recommend TS or Mumble over Vent. There will be no limit to the number of people, and you can run them on a $4 a month VPS, that can also be used for other things.
Xfire is free and unlimited and you can either use their servers or your own.