Graphics Card Broken?

November 16th, 2013

My Computer has decided to go blank screen.
It started to flicker while just browsing on the web, now its completely black.. even on start up menu.
I tried my lead and my monitor running from my netbook, and they are fine.
Then i swapped my lead back to my pc, and it worked for about 10 seconds, then all black again, and now wont work at all.
Is this likely to be a virus, or a graphics card issue?
I remember updating my graphics card only last night, via the windows 7 device /update dtivers menu.
Maybe it ruined it.
then again, im not even able to see the start up / bios selection screen.
So im not sure what the problem is.
Any ideas? Thanks

Answer #1
You should take out your graphics card and plug it back in and see if that fixes the problem.
Answer #2
i did so…
unfortunately not.
And i cant run my monitor str8 off the motherboard, because i only have male to male leads.
If i leave the computer off for a while, i can get about 10 seconds dispay on the monitor when using the graphics card.
then it flickers and goes off.
I’ve been reading up about it.
the flickering mayeb common with failing graphics cards.
If anyone can confirm, i guess i will have to get a new card.
Answer #3
I would try connecting to the on-board graphics and roll back the drivers, see if that’s the problem before replacing your card.
But, as you have stated, you will need an adaptor for your cable. Can you not borrow the correct cable from a friend or somewhere.
Answer #4
i guess i can buy one
i dont know anyone with one..
but true.. worth a try
I may get a new graphics card anyway.. im wanting to have a go at skyrim lol


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