Graphics card

August 1st, 2016

Guys, i want to play games like Battlefield or call of duty on my pc but i can’t due to my bad graphics card. I want to put a new one but want it as cheap as possible. Which one is good and you recommend?? I have a acer aspire x3200 running on w7.
Thank you,

Answer #1
As mentioned here, you would need a low profile card.
Also a higher spec card would need a better PSU as yours is only 220 Watts, according to this..
Some cards are mentioned here. A mid priced one should be OK but you would need to up-size your PSU to something of a genuine 400W or more.
You could probably squeeze in a basic low end card with your PSU but check out it’s power requirements..
Answer #2
You have very good options to update with “older” graphics card. I was lucky with a cheap GTX 770 on ebay. I belive you can get one for 100$ now. Even the newest graphics card in the 400-600$ class are not that much better – they are still 28nm based. Only real advantage of the newer is they can run 4k displays on 60 herz.
However i even ran into trouble with my Seasonic (known as high quality brand) 430 W PSU after trying to add that GTX 770. Its not that they really need 400 watts but they all have some circuits testing at bootup if they can get that much – so your computer wont boot unless you have like some good 500-600 W PSU. So it took me another month to find a nice 650W Seasonic gold PSU on ebay (i guess you got by now im not exactly very rich) and since then im very, very happy to run anything i want on high quality without a hint of lag.
So you can get good stuff cheap but best plan ahead to get a new PSU aswell.
Answer #3
Guys sorry but i gave the wrong info about my pc.. it’s a “Acer Aspire X3812” and the graphics card that i have now is the “Intel(R) G45/G43 Express Chipset”.
I’m from Belgium so please when you give tips about sellers don’t give from the U.S. or Canada or too far. It has to be shipped right?
Thank you guys!


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