Gold Grubber + PC power problem

August 6th, 2016

How do I play Captain Gold Grubber offline with swf? It says “this game is stolen by this website. this game is only playable on flashjack (or something).com”.
My computer, it goes to sleep after about 30 min, then when I turn it on, it turns off.. how do i make it so that it doesnt turn off after 30 min, and how do i resolve the other problem?

Answer #1
Answer #2
How do I play Captain Gold Grubber offline with swf? It says "this game is stolen by this website. this game is only playable on flashjack (or something).com".Try downloading it from another website. One that doesn’t let you interact with other players and what not, because otherwise it will include extra checks. Unfortunately though, it may be that all versions of the games phone home though, so it might be one of those games you just can’t play online.
My computer, it goes to sleep after about 30 min, then when I turn it on, it turns off.. how do i make it so that it doesnt turn off after 30 min, and how do i resolve the other problem?What OS are you using? And I’m guessing it’s a laptop?


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