FlashGet Question
January 27th, 2020
What does Flashget do better?
Flsahget mostly speeds the download up, and sometimes can download from places IE can’t , but it can be pretty anoying too, taking over every link
Flashget uses more connections per site to speed up your download. Some sites, for example say Microsoft may limit your download speed from their server at 20kb/s, so what flasget does, if you choose to use 10 Jets, it will make 10 connections to this particular site and download from those connections at the same time. So 10 x 20kb/s = 200kb/s. It is restricted and Dependant on your actual connection speed though.
Flahget uses multiple streams for downloading so u’ll see much faster downloads using Flashget
flashget is a specialised software optimised in every way to improve speeds. it gives much better speeds