Need Flashget Help! PLEASE!

July 25th, 2016

Ok I need someone’s help. The thing is I have Flashget and an premium account everything’s ok but the thing is when I download a movie, game, etc. that has a .html extension at the end it downloads it as an .html file.
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/74665605/TS2.DVD.part01.rar
<—- See? No HTML extension. Downloads perfectly. But…
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/5095981/The_Sims_2_-_NightLife_-_CD.1.part1.rar.html
<—- Flashget downloads all the parts as an .html file and I have to rename EVERY SINGLE ONE which sucks because sometimes I download 50+ parts.
So is there anyway to fix this? To make Flashget download them as a .rar, or something else?

Answer #1
I dont know Flashget well, But look for somewere in the options, and look for “Name Automatically”
Or similair.. My downloader does the same, and when downloading an .iso file, it now, because it
renames that file, its reconized as a 4gb image, but then appears to be corrupted when opening with
the program for images editing. I can still mount the file and install tho. But try looking for something that automatically renames, and uncheck somewere in the options.
I`ll repeat, i`m unkown with Flashget so I dont know the program but it will probably be something like this.
Answer #2
You don’t need to rename them all manually mate
Here’s how I do it. Open a new document in Notepad and type in:
@echo off
rename *.html *.

Save it as .bat (or whatever name you want, as long as you keep the extension) and place it into the folder with the files you downloaded and run it. This will remove all the .html extensions.
Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #3
Oh really?
I though you can just highlight everything, right click and then click open with winrar and everything would go just fine
Answer #4
You don't need to rename them all manually mate
Here's how I do it. Open a new document in Notepad and type in:
@echo off
rename *.html *.

Save it as .bat (or whatever name you want, as long as you keep the extension) and place it into the folder with the files you downloaded and run it. This will remove all the .html extensions.
Good luck mate ^_^

Wow thanks it works, just what I needed ^_^
Have a happy New Year m8
Answer #5
You’re welcome mate. Happy New Year


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