Farcry2 error
August 5th, 2016
I get an error if i start FC2. In the biginning i could ply the game easy. But now it wont start anymore.
I get this error:
Problem signature:
Gebeurtenisnaam van probleemHappening name of progam: APPCRASH
Name of program: FarCry2.exe
Time of progam: 48e2993f
Name of errormudule: Dunia.dll
Version of error:
time of errormodule: 48e298db
Uitzonderingscode: c0000005
Uitzonderingsmarge: 00a78ada
Version of operating system: 6.0.6001.
Landoptions ID: 1043
Extra information 1: 6988
Extra information 2: 4ce6c70f409c034cacc5203f56077b4c
Extra information 3: b598
Extra information 4: 6a9c456daff42bd7c14e8c7600f55387
Sorry for the bad english. I need to translate it from Duts to English. The fat things are the things i did not mknow how to translate it.
Things that i did:
3 time’s re install
Updatet the crack
Updatet the Dunia.dll
You don’t need Dunia.dll
Are you using the Razor1911 crack?
Yes i do. But if i delete that file is give’s an oter error that it needs that .DLL
You downloaded the full Razor1911 release or just the crack?
Full. I thingk. But i could be wrong.
Maybe that Dunia.dll you copied messed up things..no idea…maybe reinstall..let it check or the release date..copy the cracked exe…Play…it worked for me…
I dont know but the Map editor does work.
If you have Razor1911 folder in the ISO then it’s Razor1911 release…If there is none..then you must downloaded on of the earlier isos that many people are having problems with…
Yes there is a Razor map in it.
What do you mean Razor map?
Razor1911 folder in the ISO with the crack inside it…
Yes the Razor crack whas inside.