Expose in US Civilization

September 22nd, 2013

Hey there people.
Well I’m a French Student in College and actually i have to do an expose( a talk) about the Louisiana Slave Code. The problem is i hadn’t found any stuffs about it in my library and even on the internet, so if you could give me a help about it since you’re supposed to learn it in History or so. Cause it’s almost 60% of my grade.
Cheers People !

Answer #1
Louisiana Slave Code
have never heard this term
try googling “history of slaves in Louisiana”
Answer #2
Ok thanks for answering. I think i’m kinda screwed if even you have never heard of it :S
Answer #3
Here’s a sunmmary of the slave laws in Louisiana listing excellent sources:
To do serious research on the subject, you have to read those sources yourself and also go to go back to the statutes and legislative history of that period. However, conducting a thorough review of the statutes and history of particular legislation is very time consuming and the Louisiana State Legislature website only has legislative history going back to 1997. Anything earlier than 1950, the only material available is in the Law Library of Louisiana.
Here is a good guide on researching legislative history in Louisiana that may be of help to you:
But I think the Louisiana state government keeps slavery related subjects in the closet as an embarrassment to them.


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