can i run Sid Meiers Civilization V on radeon 9250 128MB

January 25th, 2020

hello guys can i run Sid Meiers Civilization V on Radeon 9250 128MB card
because it is not workingg a screen appears and suddenly close without any msg on vista

Answer #1
Here’s a nice website that will answer your question:
Answer #2
No, 128MB will not be enough to run it smoothly (or to simply get it to work).
Answer #3
Regardless of the memory, the shaders and renders on the 9250 are pretty old as well, so the game will likely refuse to install, or crash when you open it, if you get that far.
That’s a pretty old card. The first I ever bought.
Didn’t they say the ATI X1650 GT was the minimum?
You should definitely try investing in something new.


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