Episodes Mixed Up / In Wrong Order?

February 3rd, 2020

To clarify my VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION: I recently used my first EVER purchased subscription to a premium links site, to DL the ENTIRE SERIES of “Breaking Bad” for myself and a relative to enjoy. I have never seen this show before, where she has seen some of it, including the first season. I have not yet watched any of it, but after I gave her the files to watch, she immediately told me that the episodes are MIXED UP and not in the correct order! She claims the very FIRST episode is in fact from much later in the series.
I am unsure how I can fix this, so I am asking if anyone has any ideas, aside from having to either re-DL the ENTIRE series, or having to view each episode myself, look online for the synopsis of them, and try to put them in the right order!?!?
I think I may have gotten them from this thread:
Appreciate any help!

Answer #1
I’d suggest you maybe ask OP of the topic and see if others noticed the same thing. It could just be a posting error with the links. I wouldn’t download them again, as you may have all the correct shows. You say the first show is supposed to be from a later series, well all those shows from the series marked as season one, may all be from another series. So for example, season one may be season 3, and vice versa. Never seen the show, but they are named, so are they named within the show so you can then check them that way. Not sure what else you could do.
Answer #2
Your problem may be just the names of the episodes might need changing for them to play correctly in their player.
Answer #3
Well SE1 has 7 episodes, the following years mostly 13, except the last two years.
You can check it on IMDB.Difficult to believe that everything is in disorder.
Answer #4
Moved from Forum Comments to Helpdesk.
Answer #5
In Breaking Bad there does be a small part (before the Intro Credits in every episode) that kinda summarises or shows a lil snippet of whats to come in the episode or season, maybe she’s talking about that?
I doubt the episodes are in the wrong order but I’ve had such a problem before with the LOST seasons, and i didnt know whats what
Answer #6
Yes, the episodes were all in the wrong order. She’d seen season 1 before so she was aware of the summaries at the beginning. I finally decided to just re-download the full series from a different thread, and they appear to be correct (so far). Thanks for the tips.
Answer #7
Here is the synopsis of first series


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