Enhance this picture
December 6th, 2020
Can anyone enhance this picture enough so you’re able to see more of his face?
Pretty much the entire time when he was looking at the camera, it’s like that. Let me if know if you would need more pictures.
I’d appreciate this, thanks.
Not much can be done with that – it’s easy-ish to enhance dark areas, but white-out is total information loss, enhancement won’t bring that back.
What you can try is overlaying the image with itself a few times. See..
Damn, thanks for trying. I was afraid of that, but when someone walks close to the cam the NV LED’s white out everything…
Wow interesting to see how it would work. Ive never done this before. Can you give say 20+ pictures in a rar or what ever you want to upload and we can try and enhance it?
This is getting me quite excited!
Here’s a rar of like 60 pictures.
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/249582841/pix.rar
i tryed this for you on faceshop, but not very good as you can see, so just got a potentical side view
but i had fun doing it
Lol, thanks anyway. I guess I can’t do much.