Enhance multiple images

January 28th, 2020

I have 5,000 images which I would like to sharpen/enhance. The images are pics I have taken over several years, all have been scanned and use the jpeg format…is there a program which will “Clean up” sharpen/enhance all these images in one step? or do I need to do each image one at a time?
Answer #1
There are some batch processing image tools, Such as these:

However, I wouldn’t recommend using em for anything else but rotate/resize.
Each image has different lightning conditions/colors/color levels, So one size does not fit all, And you won’t get consistent results with batch processing em!
Answer #2
Photoshop can do batch jobs as well. You can record your actions and then apply to all files within a folder.
Answer #3
There are some batch processing image tools, Such as these:

However, I wouldn't recommend using em for anything else but rotate/resize.
Each image has different lightning conditions/colors/color levels, So one size does not fit all, And you won't get consistent results with batch processing em!

I agree with Roberto on this Jack, no image is the same as the next when it comes to color etc.
Happiness is waiting for an apology…which you know will never come…
I don’t think you are talking about happiness here Jack, sounds more like you have a gripe troubling your mind permanently. You’re best dumping this quote for something a bit more conciliatory matey!
Answer #4
Irfanview will do this – give the patch processing the folder, tell it where to stick them, go to advanced and set sharpen and auto adjust, etc (lots of things) and hit the [GO] button
Works well.
Answer #5
Thanks for the suggests, as I am no pro I will try Irfanview…thanks everyone.
To comrade SaturnSyd…when you give years of yourself freely and willingly AND do a good job it is not abnormal to expect a little appreciation, I hold no grudges yet I cannot forget the day when I was sold down the river in exchange for promises of wealth…made by a person who I broke my ass to get on to the executive. I am happy that its over, and just happy that I can forgive the matter.
Answer #6
Bear in mind that they are right – not all photos need the same settings for corrections..
I recommend leaving sharpening off or reasonably low, set auto-adjust on (irfanview’s auto adjust is very good), that’s about all.
Set the save to jpg, 80% quality (again, irfy’s jpg save routines are strong).
Answer #7
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is designed to assist users in managing large quantities of digital images and doing post production work.


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