Downloading games black box?

October 10th, 2013

To me, black box is easier then downloading a crack its just more convenient if i see a black box without having to search to hard Ill download it.
But some of the black boxs threads get no thank you so do people not download them?
Whats wrong with them? are they lesser in quality?

Answer #1
Depends from whom you download black_box, when i want some black box i will download from this users:
And about quality, it is the same as i know – it is black box like others…..
Answer #2
What are you saying? All the bb threads ive seen have almost 200 ormore replies
Answer #3
ive seen some with none, so i was just wondering if it took away from quality at all…
and yeah awsome, is pretty awsome, glad he got unbanned
Answer #4
It’s better than the ISOs cause it has a higher compression (thus less time for downloads and more bandwidth at the end of the month). It’s already patched and crack, and normally comes with a few dlcs.


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