[SOLVED]Downloading PS3 Games.

August 5th, 2016

Hey there again,
So I just got into the whole PS3 gaming stuff and was wondering about something I’ve heard people talking about. I heard that you could download 3 full games for every PS3 game you buy from the PS3 store. Is that true or just bull? And thanks in advance.

Answer #1
How do you mean? If you buy 1 game in the playstation store you get 3 for free?
Answer #2
no.. i think he means if everybody available ps3 game in stores are available for download (can’t tell illegal or legal).
Answer #3
PS3 isn’t “oficially” hacked yet.
This is the only thing you can do with your PS3:
Or some other things like installing a Linux distro and play Linux games on it, or a NDSR if they are available, or OnLive.com (beta) via Linux.
Answer #4
Buying 1 allows you to download 3?
kyuubi92 – can you clear up exactly what you mean?
Answer #5
They lied to you, there is no such thing. They probably lied to you so you get a console that has a crappy selection of games. If you are a gamer you will go with Xbox 360, if you only want a fancy bluray player you go with PS3. As for downloading PS3 games from WBB that wont happen since the console has not been hacked and probably will never be hacked.
Answer #6
If you are a gamer you will go with Xbox 360
…there’s always one – tut.
Answer #7
i think he meant if you buy and download a game from PSN can you re download it again upto 3 times? Yes that is true if that was the question. I could log into psn and buy any game then i can give my psn username and password to 3 of my friends and they will be able to download the same game for free. But i think max allowed download for a single bought game is 5 and not 3.
Answer #8
i think he meant if you buy and download a game from PSN can you re download it again upto 3 times? Yes that is true if that was the question. I could log into psn and buy any game then i can give my psn username and password to 3 of my friends and they will be able to download the same game for free. But i think max allowed download for a single bought game is 5 and not 3.
That serves no purpose though my friend?
The games will only be playable when “YOU” are signed in, so if your friend at his house wants to play the game, it would sign you out to do so!
Also, all of your trophies, scores whatever would be stuffed up by your mates playing under your log in.
Answer #9
As a PS3 owner, i will explain.
When you buy any form of content (don’t know if it applies to the Movies in the US storefront) from the PSN, you can download it as much times as you want just in case you swap hard drives etc. The only limit would be the amount of PS3s you can associate (have activated) with your PSN ID, standing at 5. Only the current 5 PS3s associated with the PSN ID may download the paid content and PS3 6+ would only receive an error stating that 5 PS3s are currently active on the account. The only way to remove those PS3s from that are active would be to deactivate them.
Answer #10
Wasn’t talking about copied games or downloaded ISO’s. I meant when you buy a PS3 game, the ps3 store allows you to download three games from them for free(Like full games not demos). And no one lied to me, I just heard that somewhere and wanted to make sure about it.
And that’s about it. I guess it’s not true so, thanks all for your replies.


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