Download Accelerator Plus related problem.

August 4th, 2016

I have this cracked version of the latest (i think) DAP and it’s working just great.
one problem tho, every like 5 seconds it brings up this alert box saying ‘DAP has a newer version’ or ~love~ like that and it doesn’t matter if i close the window or click the ‘OK’ button it brings up the update app which takes about 5 seconds untill it opens a new browser, the browser says, “You have the updated version of DAP, thank you.”
How can I stop that from happening? it’s like R-E-A-L-L-Y annoying.
sorry for the bad spelling, PM would be much appriciated.

Answer #1
DAP is quite crappy, to be honest. IDM is what I use, no problems. Another popular one is Flashget.
Answer #2
tried em all, DAP’s the only decent one in my opinion.
Answer #3
IDM is better (not being fanboy or anything) but it has youtube download support, can download multiple links in 1 shot, and doesnt have annoying update bubbles
Give IDM a shot, if not, maybe redownload the latest DAP??
Answer #4
IDM’s the best, maybe ur DAP is infected!


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