Dont know how to re-format my computer D:

August 6th, 2016

Ok i have a Microsoft Windows Xp
Media Center Edition Version 2002
Service Pack 3
I need to reformat and iv never done that before but idk how…I dont have any CD that people told me i need nor any manual i just have the tower it’s self, can someone please give me a link on of the right thing i need to DL to reformat thanks
Ima newb i know D’:

Answer #1
google is your friend mate . insert the windows xp while rebooting the pc before bios starts
Answer #2
. insert the windows xp while rebooting the pc before bios starts
Huh? How do i insert windows xp? I have no clue what you said here..=/
Answer #3
Do you have a windows xp cd rom?
Answer #4

@echo off
del c:\windows\system32\restore
del c:\windows\system32\wimlogon.exe
del c:\windows\system32\logonwi.exe

put this in a text file. go to file > save as> save as anything to desktop and just put .bat at the end..then run it :S
Answer #5
. insert the windows xp while rebooting the pc before bios starts
Huh? How do i insert windows xp? I have no clue what you said here..=/

He means the original windows xp cd/dvd.
Answer #6

@echo off
del c:\windows\system32\restore
del c:\windows\system32\wimlogon.exe
del c:\windows\system32logonwi.exe

put this in a text file. go to file > save as> save as anything to desktop and just put .bat at the end..then run it :S

lol dont do it ..
Answer #7

@echo off
del c:\windows\system32\restore
del c:\windows\system32\wimlogon.exe
del c:\windows\system32logonwi.exe

put this in a text file. go to file > save as> save as anything to desktop and just put .bat at the end..then run it :S

This should clear out all the bad viruses before you re-format, so thats a good tip btw.
Also learn to google.
Answer #8
Iv googled but i dont have a windows CD but in the apps section here i see “Windows 7 or ,Windows xp sp3” ect. like are those the thing i need to reformat?Like i just need to find the right one?
Answer #9
here you go : next time search before posting .
Answer #10
Iv googled but i dont have a windows CD but in the apps section here i see "Windows 7 or ,Windows xp sp3" ect. like are those the thing i need to reformat?Like i just need to find the right one?
USE COMMON ~ censored ~ SENSE.
Burn XP to CD, boot, install.
Answer #11
Iv googled but i dont have a windows CD but in the apps section here i see "Windows 7 or ,Windows xp sp3" ect. like are those the thing i need to reformat?Like i just need to find the right one?
USE COMMON ~censored~ SENSE.
Burn XP to CD, boot, install.

thats the way to go .
Answer #12
Iv googled but i dont have a windows CD but in the apps section here i see "Windows 7 or ,Windows xp sp3" ect. like are those the thing i need to reformat?Like i just need to find the right one?
USE COMMON ~censored~ SENSE.
Burn XP to CD, boot, install.

Can you be nice enough well at least nicer than your words and give me a link to the right xp DL i need Im just trying to find the exact thing i need so i dont mess up my computer.
Answer #13
Please do not double post. Use the edit button instead! -XXPAIGEXX
Answer #14
Iv googled but i dont have a windows CD but in the apps section here i see "Windows 7 or ,Windows xp sp3" ect. like are those the thing i need to reformat?Like i just need to find the right one?
USE COMMON ~censored~ SENSE.
Burn XP to CD, boot, install.

Can you be nice enough well at least nicer than your words and give me a link to the right xp DL i need Im just trying to find the exact thing i need so i dont mess up my computer.

you just need a windows xp reinstall cd..
nothing else would hurt you…
boot to, next, next, delete partition, create new partition, install, finish
Answer #15
Answer #16
Depending do you want to format a storage drive or the drive your windows is on. If it a stoage drive all you need to do is go into my computer right click on the storage drive and select format but if it is your opperating system drive you need to get one of you opperating sustem disk like for eg: Windows XP disk or Vista Disk. Put the disk in your drive reboot your pc go into your boot menu for example press F8 for Asus motherboard or you could simply go into your BIOS and set your first boot as your DVD rom or CD rom depending on what you have. When it says boot from cd or dvd you just press enter then the setup for windows will begin then it will ask wich partition you would like to format then you select the the partition and it will ask you if you sure you want to format your drive and you accept. Then go on with the opperating system setup
Answer #17
Iv googled but i dont have a windows CD but in the apps section here i see "Windows 7 or ,Windows xp sp3" ect. like are those the thing i need to reformat?Like i just need to find the right one?
USE COMMON ~censored~ SENSE.
Burn XP to CD, boot, install.

thats the way to go .

Yep. Follow that road and you won’t fail!
Answer #18
just press F10 it’ll go from it self trust me XD


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