data is not showing in partation

January 21st, 2020

hi every one… happy new year……
i have one problem… i have hp’s computer. its come with 2 partition. windows install in c and d partition is recovery partition, its is 10GB partition and 8GB data in this partition, when i open this partition its show blank (no data). i change show hidden or system files option. again its show blank. please tell me how can i show this data or make a dvd of this disk.
thanks in advance…..

Answer #1
wats the free space showing?
Answer #2
wats the free space showing?
its showing 8.78GM data and 1.00 GB free….
Answer #3
ur comp might be affected by a virus try this tool
Answer #4
thanks for u r advice… i found solution myself now all data is showing….
Answer #5
thanks for u r advice... i found solution myself now all data is showing....
what was the problem, please share how u solved it may be helpful for someone else.


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